Mediator Profile

photo Available Dates

Peter F. Chauvin

Chauvin Dispute Resolution Inc.
11 Guildcrest Drive
Toronto, Ontario   M1E 1E2

Degrees/Designations - LL.B. University of Western Ontario
Practice Areas - Employment and Labour
Practice Description - Peter Chauvin conducts wrongful dismissal mediations and mediations regarding both construction and non-construction disputes and other employment law matters.
Background - For 19 years, from 1985 to 2004, Peter practiced law exclusively in the areas of employment law and labour relations, including wrongful dismissal, employment standards, human rights, health and safety, pay equity and worker’s compensation. Peter practiced in the private, public, health, municipal, industrial and construction sectors.

In 2004 Peter accepted an appointment as a full-time Vice-Chair of the Ontario Labour Relations Board to pursue a career as a neutral mediator and adjudicator. At this time Peter also commenced his practice as a private mediator regarding primarily wrongful dismissal and other employment law matters.

In 2007, due to the demands of his medation practice, Peter relinquished his appointment as a Vice-Chair of the Labour Board.
Peter has mediated hundreds of disputes, has completed mediation training, and has productive and effective mediation skills. Peter is able to assist parties in resolving their employment disputes.

Fees - Please contact me for my fee schedule or other information.